Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hey guys,
 So, what's been going on? This is my first post in 2018, and its already September! Its been a while. So lots has happened, but the most exciting thing is that we have a new grandchild. Its a girl, Emilee Faye, she was born on June 5th. She joins her 2 year old brother in the Young family. (My son's family). My son and daughter in law are adjusting well to being a family of 4.
Ms. Emilee Faye with her big brother, her mama and her daddy. June 5th around 3:30 A.M. (she was a few hours old in these photos) 

Auntie Sara with Emilee & Emilee's dad, my son, Andrew. 

Me and Emilee *Memaw

My husband & Ms Emilee. *Pop-Pop
So we have 4 grandchildren now, 3 boys aged 9, 4 and 2  & one granddaughter. We are truly blessed.